Sunday, May 15, 2011

Film and Sound, not Film with Sound

Throughout the poem, pictures were depicted on the interior walls of the pavilion. These pictures were in all black and white. They were very abstract, not seeming to have anything to do with the other photos. The pictures also seemed to be synchronized with the sounds that were projected through the speakers. So that each picture had a certain sound to with it, and each time that picture appeared, so did that sound.

Here are a few examples of the pictures that were shown. 

In his book "Music: An Appreciation," Robert Kamien explains that Corbusier seemed to have assigned thematic sections to the film:

Below is his analysis of the thematic sections to their corresponding sounds.  

0 - 60" Genesis
61 - 120" Spirit and Matter
121 - 204" From Darkness to Dawn
205 - 240" Man-Made Gods
241 - 300" How Time Moulds Civilization
301 - 360" Harmony
361 - 480" To All Mankind
The sequence of sounds in Varèse's composition:
0" 1. a. Low bell tolls. "Wood blocks." Sirens. Fast taps lead to high, piercing sounds. 2-second pause.
b. "Bongo" tones and higher grating noises. Sirens. Short "squawks." Three-tone group stated three times.
c. Low sustained tones with grating noises. Sirens. Short "squawks." Three-tone group. 2-second pause.
d. Short "squawks." High "chirps." Variety of "shots," "honks," "machine noises." Sirens. Taps lead to
2'36" 2. a. Low bell tolls. Sustained electronic tones. Repeated "bongo" tones. High and sustained electronic tones. Low tone, crescendo. Rhythmic noises lead to
b. Voice, "Oh-gah." 4-second pause. Voice continues softly.
c. Suddenly loud. Rhythmic percussive sounds joined by voice. Low "animal noises," scraping, shuffling, hollow vocal sounds. Decrescendo into 7-second pause.
d. Sustained electronic tones, crescendo and decrecendo. Rhythmic percussive sounds. Higher sustained electronic tones, crescendo. "Airplane rumble," "chimes," jangling.
e. Female voice. Male chorus. Electronic noises, organ. High taps. Swooping organ sound. Three-note group stated twice. Rumble, sirens, crescendo (8 minutes and 5 seconds)."

The film-sound medley was not just a film being played with sound, and therefore is not film WITH sound but film AND sound. Or rather, pictures, themes, and sounds. The pictures were a separate entity from the sound that was played, but when the two joined came together to make a theme.

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